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Teaching with PowerPoint





Teaching with PowerPoint



TESOL Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Teacher Education ISs







This six week session will focus on using PowerPoint in the classroom. The goal is to show how PPT can be used by teachers and students. Teachers learn how to use it effectively for their own teaching, e.g. to support a lesson, as well as how to use it as a tool for collaborative student projects. The workshop will combine technical training and expertise with pedagogical insights and focus on practical applications in the classroom. Participants will begin with an introduction to

PowerPoint at the beginning level, followed by intermediate and advanced PowerPoint instruction and classroom application. Starting week two, participants will apply what they have learned through online tutorials, models, and discussions to a PowerPoint project that consists of a teachable lesson. Asynchronous and synchronous tools will be integrated to ensure participant success.


Special note: The PowerPoint tutorials/instructions used in this session are designed for PCs. However, the techniques are transferable to MAC users as well, and one of the moderators (Kent Matsueda) can answer questions related to PowerPoint for MACs. Therefore, MAC users are welcome to join us.


Target audience:


ESL/EFL teachers and practitioners


Administrators at all levels of instruction




  • Necessary software: PowerPoint 2002 (or higher)


  • Optional (if desired for sound recordings): a microphone


  • Session enrollment limit: 200



Week-by-week outline


Week 1: January 15-21, 2007


Personal Introductions


Participants familiarize themselves with the Teaching with PowerPoint Yahoo!Group (YG) site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TeachingwithPowerPoint


Participants take a survey on Needs Assessment, answering questions about the types of computer and version of PowerPoint they are using (PowerPoint 2002 or higher) as well as their familiarity with PowerPoint and Yahoo Groups.


Participants upload a photo to the files area or to Frappr.com.


Participants read the Getting Started information, walk through the document on Netiquette and take the self-test.


Participants read and begin discussions of using PowerPoint in blended learning, based on a selection of articles.


Participants will be asked to start planning a lesson or student project in PowerPoint (PPT).




Week 2: January 22-28, 2007


Participants walk through a PowerPoint 2002 Beginning tutorial or review their PowerPoint skills. They view a model PowerPoint presentation that builds from simple elements to more complicated ones to illustrate the process and expected outcome.


Participants read and discuss 1-2 articles on PowerPoint.


Participants submit and share ideas for a PPT project, e.g. a lesson or a student project.


Participants start building their PPT lesson/project using the PowerPoint 2002 Beginning tutorial and upload 3-4 slides.




Week 3: January 29-February 4, 2007


Participants continue building and expanding their PPT lesson/project and add animation and other effects, using the PowerPoint 2002 Beginning tutorial.


Participants upload their lesson/project and request feedback from the group.


Participants read and discuss articles on project-based learning and effective vs. “deadly” PPTs.


A group chat and/or file-sharing session will be held to get feedback on the group's budding PPT projects.



Week 4: February 5-11, 2007


Participants continue to work on various aspects of the PPT lesson/project and venture beyond the basics, using the Power-Point 2002 Intermediate tutorial.


Participants read and discuss articles on project-based learning and learner autonomy, encouraging use of PPT for collaborative student projects.



Week 5: February 12-18, 2007


Participants will have two options:


They may continue on the previous PPT tutorials and refine them. OR


They may choose to try more advanced features of PPT, e.g. sound, using Narration in Power-Point 2002.


Work on the PPT project will be completed by the end of this week, and projects will be uploaded and shared for feedback.


A file-sharing session will be held to review the participants' PPT projects.



Week 6: February 19-25, 2007


Wrap-up of discussions




Communication media to be used:


Yahoo! Group: Teaching with PowerPoint for delivery as individual emails or digests


[http:www.alado.net/webheads|Alado.net] for chats and peer reviews of PPT projects






Important Links


Yahoo!Group site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TeachingwithPowerPoint


PowerPoint Tutorials:


Microsoft PowerPoint Handouts (2002, 2003, and Handouts Index)




EVOPowerPoint Frappr map http://www.frappr.com/?a=showmap2&mapid=2607452



Yahoo Messenger: http://messenger.yahoo.com/


Skype: http://skype.com/




Christine Bauer-Ramazani founded and led EV Online from 2000-2004 and is currently a member of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee. She teaches ESL, Academic English, and teacher training (MATESL) courses at Saint Michael's College. She has designed and taught a number of online CALL-related courses and given workshops on CALL topics, including PowerPoint, in the U.S. and abroad.


Roger Drury teaches in the IEP of Georgia Tech. He has taught EFL and done teacher training in France and Colombia, the latter as a Fulbright Scholar. Roger also develops ESP courses, often with a CALL emphasis and is an active member of the TESOL CALL-IS.


Paula Emmert has taught ESL/FL for 20 years in the United States and overseas. She is currently an adjunct ESL professor at Northern Virginia Community College, teaches online for the Graduate School of Education (FAST TRAIN) at George Mason University and is a member of the CALL-IS Steering Committee.


Kent Matsueda has taught CALL/EFL for 4 years in Japan. Currently he is at Kanazawa Technical College teaching high school and college level students. There Kent teaches conversation, PowerPoint, Flash 8, and other multimedia classes in KTC's EFL program.


Jessica Noyes has behind her a thirty-year career in second language education, including a stint as Foreign Language Consultant for the Vermont Department of Education. Fascinated by distance learning, she once taught a fully televised distance teacher-preparation course; a former student of Christine's, she now works to add a CALL dimension to her ESL and Spanish classes at St. Michael's College in Vermont.


Sandy Wagner has taught ESL for 10 years in Florida and completed her MAEd in distance learning and eEducation entirely online. She has delivered workshops on Technology and Learning and Power-Point in the classroom and was the creator/facilitator of an online course for Adult English Literacy. She is currently Assistant Professor Faculty Development for the Department of Defense, Defense Language Institute and a member of the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee.


© EVO Power-Point team: Christine Bauer-Ramazani, Sandy

Wagner, Paula Emmert, Roger Drury, Jessica Noyes, Kent Matsued

Join this session


To join this group:


  1. Go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TeachingwithPowerPoint
  2. Click on the blue button:
  3. Follow the instructions
Note: When you register for the group, you will have to be approved by the moderator. In order to reduce the possibility of "unwanted" members (such as spammers), please be sure to explain who you are and why you want to enroll in the session


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