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Call for Participation for the
TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2007
A Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section
January 15 - February 25, 2007 Registration: Jan 1 - 14
The Electronic Village Online Sessions
For six weeks , participants can engage with ESOL experts in collaborative, online discussion sessions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions will bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by the four-day land-based TESOL convention and will allow a fuller development of ideas and themes of the convention or of professional interest in general. The sessions are free and open to all interested parties. You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate. Sessions are organized by TESOL's CALL Interest Section and run wholly by volunteers who have donated their time to serve the profession.
Sessions 2007
Click below to link to session complete descriptions. Join a session by following the link to the Yahoo Group in each description. ----> We strongly recommend that you sign up for no more than two sessions. |
Session |
Moderators | Short Description | An ESP Potpourri: Business, Legal, Science & Technology, and Medical ESP | Buthaina Al-Othman Christine Parkhurst
| This EVO 2007 session covers a one-week discussion of four English for Specific Purposes content areas: Business English, Legal English, English for Science and Technology, English for Health Care. Each content week will have a moderator with experience in the field. | Beginning Internet Activities | JoAnn Miller | This session covers: (1) what is available for teachers on the Internet, (2) how to find information (3) how to make two kinds of original activities (4) how to develop a personal website where activities and assignments can be posted. | Becoming a Webhead | Dafne Gonzalez Teresa Almeida d'Eca | BaW07 is a hands-on workhop where participants and moderators explore Web 2.0 tools and share the best ways of using them in their teaching practices. We are part of the Webheads in Action virtual Community of Practice. | Blogging for Beginners | Gladys Baya Carla Arena M. Claudia Bellusci Erika Cruvinel | This session provides participants with different ways in which blogging can be integrated into their teaching. | Digital Gaming and Language Learning | Graham Stanley Kyle Mawer Nicholas Noakes Rita Zeinstejer | This group will be exploring the growing interest of teachers in appealing to their computer gaming students, looking at why and how digital games can be included in language teaching and learning. | E-assessment tools for language teaching | Hyman Wong Anna Koorey Hanna Prashker | This session studies the opportunities for electronic assessment in language teaching. Different assessment tools will be introduced. Participants will have hands-on opportunities to explore and evaluate different tools for e-assessment. | ESL/EFL Student Video Production | Ryan Detwiler Nicolas Gromik | This is a workshop for all teachers interested in learning how to create and share video on the Web, what kinds of video projects other teachers are producing with their classes, and how they're doing it. | Readers’ Theatre: A Passage to Language | Gary Carkin Nigel Caplan | This group is for all ESOL teachers who have an interest in teaching English through drama at the elementary, secondary, or tertiary levels. | Student Assumptions Regarding Good Teaching | Thomas Gault | This session explores the assumptions held by adult language learners as to what are good teaching methods. It will consider both individual preferences, and preferences that are linked to educational level and cultural background. | Teaching with PowerPoint | Christine Bauer-Ramazani Paula Emmert Roger Drury Kent Matsueda Jessica Noyes Sandy Wagner | This session will cover the basics and beyond the basics of using PowerPoint in the classroom. | Tips and Tricks for SuccessfulOnline Teaching and Learning: Facilitating Authentic Use of English | Dave Winet | Participants will discuss and implement some of the approaches and techniques that can promote an effective online learning environment. | Webcast Academy | Jeff Lebow Graham Stanley Vance Stevens | The Webcast Academy is a hands -on, collaborative training center for people interested in learning how to produce and host live, interactive Webcasts. | Webpublishing in OpenParticipatory Environments | Barbara Dieu Patricia Glogowski Scott Lockman Nicholas Noakes Graham Stanley | This session is aimed at teachers who have already experimented with blogs and podcasts either for their own use or with classes and who would like to extend their technical and pedagogical knowledge of these social tools, RSS and tagging to help learners interact with the Web at large and create networks according to their own interests. |
Event | Date | 1. Registration | January 1 - 14, 2007 | 2. Sessions | Monday, January 15 - Sunday, February 25, 2007 (6 weeks) | 3. 41st TESOL Annual Convention 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA: Electronic Village presentation; possible meetings of EVO session leaders and participants | Wednesday, March 21 - Saturday, March 24, 2007 |
EVO Team
CONTACT THE ELECTRONIC VILLAGE ONLINE COORDINATION TEAM For queries about specific EVO sessions, please contact the moderator of the session directly. |
Please retype the mail address with @ and . as appropriate:
- Dafne González (Coordinator), Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela - dygonza at yahoo . com
- Elizabeth Hanson-Smith, California State University, Sacramento/Command Performance Language Institute, Sacramento, CA - ehansonsmi @ yahoo . com
- Chris Jones, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE - edtec2002 @ yahoo . com
- Aiden Yeh, Wen Zao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung,Taiwan - aidenyeh @ yahoo . com
- Buthaina al Othman, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait - buthaina_3 @ yahoo . com
- Nicolas Gromik, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan - gromik_tohoku @ yahoo . com . au
- Susan Marandi, Al-Zahra University, Teheran, Iran - susanmarandi @ yahoo . com
- Paula Emmert, Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA, USA - emmert4 @ yahoo . com
- Christine Bauer-Ramazani (CALL IS liaison), St. Michael's College, Cochester, Vermont, USA - cbauer-ramazani @ smcvt . edu
- Vance Stevens (TESOL PDC liaison), Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE - vstevens @ emirates . net . ae
TESOL Convention
For information about the TESOL 2007 Convention Spanning the Globe, Tides of Change, March 21–24, 2007, visit the TESOL site and link to >Professional Development >Conferences & Events.
Other TESOL PD programs
To find out more about TESOL's Online Teaching Certificate Program (the foundation course begins January 16), go to TESOL and click on >PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT and then >ONLINE EDUCATION, or e-mail edprograms@tesol.org (EVO is not a part of the OTCP) |
The CALL Interest Section of the international TESOL professional association offers the opportunity to participate in the Electronic Village Online (EVO), a professional development project and virtual extension of the TESOL 2007 Convention in Seattle, WA. The intended audience for this project includes both TESOL 2007 participants and those who can participate only virtually. You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate in sessions of the Electronic Village Online.
TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO)
A Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section
© Dafne González & The EVO coordination team
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