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EVO Video 2007: ESL/EFL Student Video Production




EVO Video 2007: ESL/EFL Student Video Production





EVO Video 2007: ESL/EFL Student Video Production is a free workshop for all teachers interested in learning how to create and share video on the web, what kinds of video projects other teachers are producing with their classes, and how they're doing it. Although not required, access to a mini DV camera and high-speed internet is recommended.



  • Create a short video and upload it to the web.
  • Modify one of the video-project lesson plans presented in this session into something you can actually produce with your class.
  • Create an archive of lesson plans that we may share and elaborate on with our own classes.



Target Audience

ESL/EFL teachers interested in web-video and student video production, who have a low-intermediate to advanced understanding of how to use video cameras and computers.



Weekly Outline

Pre-Session (before Jan. 15)

*Getting Ready* A short list of activities to complete before the session begins.



Week 1: Jan. 15 – Jan. 21

This week we’ll introduce ourselves and talk about why we’re taking this session. Participants will learn how to navigate the Yahoo Group and upload files to the wiki (photos) in addition to completing the Needs Assessment Survey and Netiquette Quiz (if not already completed Pre-Session).



  • Upload a photo of yourself to the wiki.
  • Create your own wiki page and link it to the sidebar.



Week 2: Jan. 22 – Jan. 28

This week we’ll go over the basics of shooting, capturing, editing and uploading video to hosting sites such as YouTube and Grouper. Materials for this week include several online tutorials and a special “How to” video by Sarah Lilburn of The Daily English Show! (tentative)



  • Working alone or with some friends, create a short (1-2min) personal narrative or documentary style video and share it with the group. Focus on the process: plan, shoot, capture, edit (try to make at least 7 edits), export, and upload to YouTube or Google, etc. Your video should be simple and short and share something about the place where you are.
  • Post a link to your video on your wiki page.



Week 3: Jan. 29 – Feb. 4

This week we will go over several lesson plans and discuss means of customizing them for use in our own class, taking into account things like: time, budget, class size and skill level, etc.. (Many thanks to EVO colleagues for sharing these lesson plans, storyboards, and example videos with us.)


Activities: Write to the group:

  • Think of a class you've recently taught - which project would have worked best for them? Why?
  • In what ways (if any) would you need to modify the schedule of this production to fit your class? In other words, what changes would you make to the project based on time, equipment, class’ size, skill level, age, and the number of times your class meets per week?
  • How would you intitiate the creative process?
  • Watch the videos made by our group members and offer feedback.



Week 4: Feb. 5 – Feb. 11

This week we’ll each chose one of the video projects presented last week and modify the lesson plan / re-work the schedule so that we can actually produce the video with our class. Please post this new lesson plan to your wiki page.



  • Watch the videos made by our group members and offer feedback.
  • Pick one of the projects presented last week and comment on it, or develop and add an activity for it, or otherwise customize the lesson plan so that it's something you can actually produce with your class.
  • Post this information to your wiki page.
  • Invite the group to visit your page and leave comments.



Week 5: Feb. 12 – Feb. 18

This week we will read each other’s lesson plans, discuss them and share constructive feedback. We’ll also discuss grading.


Activities: Write to the group:

  • Which ideas from other lesson plans did you find helpful?
  • How would you assess or evaluate the work of your students?
  • What’s another video project might also like to try?



Week 6: Feb. 19 – Feb. 25

This week we’ll look at TESOL’s Resource Center and other teacher resource sites. Participants are encouraged to upload their lesson plans for other teachers to use and refer too. We will also briefly discuss release forms, class networks, and close with session evaluations.



  • Include your lesson plan in an online archive of teacher resources for student video production.
  • Suggest some ideas for how we might be able to collaborate to create a video exchange, or develop a class-to-class network.
  • Complete the evaluation for this session (address to be posted)


Communication media


Yahoo Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVOvideo07

Wiki: http://evovideo07.wikispaces.com

Participants will select a video blog (vlog) to upload their own productions





Ryan Detwiler holds a BA in English and a TESL Certificate from the University of California, Santa Barbara. In 1998 he taught video production to a high intermediate class of ESL students and has been hooked on producing video and web-based content ever since. After living and teaching in France and Japan for a couple years, Ryan moved to San Francisco, California to study for an MFA in Motion/Pictures and Television at the Academy of Art University. In March of 2004 he founded ESL Video, Inc., an educational software development / production company.


Nicolas Gromik currently works at Tohoku University in Japan. He has been using video and training students to produce videos of various genres for the last three years, ranging from basic videotaping with Senior High School students, to sophomore and advanced Japanese speakers of English at university. He is currently experimenting with the art of mini-documentary video making.

Many thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Hanson-Smith for her advice, feedback, and contributions to EVO Video 07 -- Ryan & Nicolas

Join this session


To join this group:


  1. Go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVOvideo07
  2. Click on the blue button:
  3. Follow the instructions
Note: When you register for the group, you will have to be approved by the moderator. In order to reduce the possibility of "unwanted" members (such as spammers), please be sure to explain who you are and why you want to enroll in the session


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