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Beginning Internet Activities




Beginning Internet Activities




Description and Objectives


This session is designed to help inexperienced Internet users learn how to develop and use the Web in their classes either as bridging activities (like homework, but beyond fill in the blank), as class projects or even in the computer lab as a class activity. The session will cover what is available on the Internet that can be used in class, how to find information, how to incorporate these ideas into class activities, how to make original activities and how to develop a website where assignments can be posted.


The target audience


People with limited experience using the Internet. However, participants must have a general idea of how to turn on a computer, how to use a word processor like WORD and how to work an Internet program like Microsoft Explorer.



Weekly Content


Week 1: Introductions


Participants introduce themselves through a short questionnaire about who they are, who their students are and what computer access both they and their students have.



  • Complete Pre-Course Activities,Introduce self by answering a questionnaire
  • Post a photo in the Yahoo Groups site
  • Visit some websites and comment on how they could be used in class
  • Post favorite link in the Yahoo Groups site


Skills: Using the Yahoo Groups site, Posting photos, Posting links


Week 2: Search Engines


Participants examine various search engines and do some worksheets to improve their abilities to use the engines.



  • Do two assignments to practice using search engines and comment on results with group
  • Do some optional readings on search engines and comment on them


Skills: Choosing a search engine, Narrowing down results, Learning search engine glossary and “math” (optional)


Week 3: Filamentality


Participants are introduced to the Filamentality site and create an original HotList, Treasure Hunt, Subject Sampler or Multimedia Scrapbook for their students and share it with the group.




  • Read about Filamentality and choose a type of activity to create for a specific group of students and

comment on choice with group.

  • Create the activity and post the link to the group.
  • Visit a few of the activities produced by participants in the group and comment on them.


Skills: Choosing an activity type, Using the Filamentality site, Copying and pasting links, Ordering links, Choosing color schemes.


Week 4: Discovery Quiz Center


Participants are introduced to the Discovery Quiz Center site and create two or three quizzes for their students using images and links before sharing them with the group.



  • Read about the Discovery site.
  • Choose a topic for two quizzes and share with group.
  • Create two quizzes and post links to group for their comments


Skills: Using the Discovery Quiz site, Linking online photos


Week 5: Building websites


Participants create a multi-page Geocities website and add links to their activities and favorite sites.



  • Create a one page site using Yahoo Geocities Page Builder
  • Fine tune the site
  • Add links to activities created during the session
  • Add another page to the site
  • Add links to favorite websites
  • Link the pages together.
  • Upload a file and/or an image (optional)


Skills: Creating a website, Choosing color schemes, Adding text and images, Making links, Creating a second page and linking them together, Uploading files and images (optional)


Week 6: Reflection and sharing what was done


Participants reflect on what they have created and comment on each others’ work.





JoAnn Miller has taught English in Mexico for over thirty years. She has taught on-line courses for beginners for almost ten years and has participated in many EVO sessions as a moderator and guest lecturer. She normally works as a consultant and materials developer.


Communication Tools

Yahoo Groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVO07-beginning

Join this session


To join this group:


  1. Go to: Yahoo Groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVO07-beginning
  2. Click on the blue button:
  3. Follow the instructions

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